Meet our JLT Chef’s Showcase Chefs

Introducing the amazing ten Chefs who will be part of our first Junior League of Toronto Chef’s Showcase with Host Christine Cushing on Thursday May 3rd.

Meet Chef John Cirillo

Meet Chef Glenn Kitchen

Meet Chef Forrest Liu

Meet Chef Robert Rainford

Meet Chef Selwyn Richards

Meet Chef Tawfik Shehata

Meet Chef James Smith

Meet Chef Marnie Solomon

Meet Chef Rob Toppan

Meet the Chefs of Yorkshire Pudding

The JLT Chef’s Showcase is an evening culinary event held at George Brown College, in partnership with the College.

The price of admission ($90) allows guests to have an interactive experience by getting up close and personal with chefs as you taste the results of their culinary skills. It is a cocktail format from 6 to 9 pm with wine pairings by Noble Estates Wine and Spirits and features a silent auction of unique food themed items.

The event will also introduce and fund the JLT Culinary Scholarship*, in partnership with the George Brown Foundation, as well as fund other JLT programs and initiatives.

Tickets are available via the Junior League of Toronto.

We hope you will join us!